Welcoming the month of Ramadan

Praise belongs to Allah who guided us to His praise.   Dear Community Members Assalam-O-Alaikum WRBAlhamduliallah we will begin the holy month of Ramadan on Thursday, March 23, 2023, with the first Taraweeh prayers […]

Special Appeal for Turkey and Syria

Asalamu Alaikum (peace be with you) A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and northern Syria a few days ago, followed by dozens of aftershocks, resulting in over 11,000 reported deaths, tens […]

AGM 2022 & Special Meetings

Alhamdulillah, The EC-MSOG was able to hold an Annual General Meeting of members on December 1, 2022, after a long gap due to the pandemic. Details of the AGM 2022 […]

A Message from Imam Mubeen

Asslamualiekum warahmatullahe wabarakatuh,  Blessings and prayers be upon our community and all thanks to Allah for His infinite help and mercy, and blessings on the MSOG community. The task of […]

Celebrate EID with your Community

The Management of Muslim Society of Guelph would like to extend their heartiest congratulation to those who are performing Hajj this year. InshaAllah from Thursday July 7, 2022 Days of […]

Hajj and Eid Al Adha Announcement

InshaAllah from June 30, 2022 the month Zul Hijjah begins.  The Day of Arafah this year is set to Friday, July 8, 2022 InshaAllah. This is the time to say Inshallah Hajj Mabarak to all […]

Summer Camp 2022

MSOG Summer Camp is BACK! Register your children ages 6 to 12 and choose which weeks they will attend using this link https://forms.gle/8bc7Xi41M2pQ6Xay8 Camp runs from 9:00am to 3:00pm and […]

27th Night of Ramadan

Dear Community Members Assalaamalaikum, Ramadan is passing us by with great speed!  Muslim Society of Guelph (MSOG) has been working hard to become more than just a space for prayer […]