Praise belongs to Allah who guided us to His praise.
Dear Community Members Assalam-O-Alaikum WRB InshaAllah we will begin the holy month of Ramadan on Thursday, March 23, 2023, with the first Taraweeh prayers of Ramadan on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 9:15 PM. We pray to Allah to accept everyone’s fast. ‘And praise belongs to Allah who appointed among those roads His month, the month of Ramadan‘. Insha’Allah, Imam Ibrahim Gangat and Hafiz Mubeen Butt will be leading the Taraweeh prayers. This Ramadan we will be welcoming everyone (Sisters and Brothers including Children), however, please perform Wadu at home as there is a limited access to the washrooms due to the construction.
Sisters entrance will be from the Meezan School door with two rooms reserved for them. Separate room will be reserved for those with the younger children. Kindly respect the volunteers and follow their instructions.
Taraweeh prayers will be live streamed via MSOG Facebook Page for those who can not attend in person. Anyone experiencing syptoms of cold and flue are requested to stay home. Masking is strongly encouraged for all attendees due to recent outbreaks at the local and surrounding area hospitals. May Allah make it easy so we can enjoy the blessing of Ramadan and once again breakfast with each other. Aameen
The monthly expenses to run your community Centre and organize the daily and Friday prayers are $15,000. Kindly participate and take care of the OPERATION of your MASJID for ONE DAY by donating. We are requesting everyone to take be a regular donor by signing up a monthly donation to help us complete our construction project.
Select a method to donate.
- E-transfer, (There is no cost to MSOG via etransfer and your 100% donation comes to us)
- Become a monthly donor by participating in the Dollar A Day for Barakah
- Mailing cheque payable to Muslim Society of Guelph to: 286 Water Street, Guelph, ON N1G 1B8
- Or call our IMAM at 1-519-546-3941 and he will take your credit card details or banking information to process one-time or set up monthly donations.
- Or provide us your phone number and we can call you to help you process your donation.
- You can click the QR Code and donate.

Thank you for your continued support of your community centre.