Qurbani is an obligation that we are commanded to perform by Allah (SWT). Therefore, it is vital that we follow the Qurbani meat distribution rules and regulations. Below is a brief guide to the rules and recommendations of Qurbani;

  • Qurbani must be given on 10th, 11th and 12th days of Dhul-Hijjah
  • Sacrifices can only be made after the Eid prayer (sacrifices made before do not count as Qurbani)
  • Any able Muslim should give Qurbani, especially those that have reached the age of puberty and hold wealth above the threshold of 52.5 tolas of silver
  • Animals for sacrifice must meet minimum age and health requirements
  • Meat from Qurbani animals should be distributed equally in three parts. It should be given to the family, friends and the poor (both Muslim and non-Muslim alike).

At MSOG we are accepting meat for those who can’t afford to slaughter an animal. Please bring their share to the masjid during any prayer times. There is a freezer at the School entrance under the canopy.

Kindly do not make more than two pounds package when putting in the freezer. It become very inconvenient for both volunteers and family to handle large packages.

JazakumAllah Khairun