Phase 1 Re-opening for Masajid

Here are the highlights from our meeting with the provincial government:

Please read MPP Rasheed’s statement on the recent attack in London targeting a Muslim family: Kaleed Rasheed Statement

Effective Friday June 11th at 12:01 AM; religious services, rites and ceremonies indoors will be allowed at 15% capacity and outdoors with capacity limited to permit physical distancing of 2 meters. Learn more here:

You cannot combine both indoor and outdoor prayers.

We are highly encouraging organizations to continue pre-registrations to assist contact tracing efforts.

Please continue to encourage/require congregants to bring their own prayer mats.

Follow your local bylaws, almost all municipalities require face-masks when individuals are indoors.

No outdoor activities currently permitted in step 1 with some exceptions.

Day camp programs will be permitted with certain restrictions, guidance on restrictions will be released by Friday.